26 June 2007

The rain in Spain fell mainly on... Hull

Hi all. Southern Yorkshire has been hit by some severe weather over the past couple of days. This is what 3.8" of rain in 24 hours does to Hull:

The street at the end of our avenue -

Our avenue -

The water only came up to our doorstep - being on the third floor has some advantages after all!


Anonymous said...

Welcome to Europe after all! Looks like Germany at the moment. What a lovely weather to celebrate my wedding in the garden!

Anonymous said...

Row row row your boat gently street ...
Merrily merrily merrily merrily life in Hull's a treat.

Take care, my beloved ducks.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm it would seem that Bindy has beaten me to the punch on that one... but also there is a sale on here in Brisbane for diving equipment ( flippers, diving masks and snorkels ) would you like some Fedex'd over ?

Joe said...

Gee I didn't know you moved to Venice....How's your Italian going fletch?

Kirsten said...

Well the pictures remind me of the year of 1981 when Gitte was born. We also had a lot of water in the month of august and had to use a little boat to come to and from the house. So have fun you two here in Europe!!